Use Cases & DApps
Kalima Blockchain is used by many industries everyday
Kalima is safer, faster, lower cost than the traditional industrial data manager tools. Kalima develops its own DApps dedicated to the Industry and has a very efficient development API which allows all independent developers
to develop DApps and parallel chains as well.
Major industries are already using Kalima Blockchain and IoT devices :
Enedis 1st electricty distribution in France.
ArcelorMittal The world's leading steel and mining company.
Tenneco One of the world leaders of automotive product.
Spie European leader specialized in electrical, mechanical and
climatic engineering, energy and communication networks.

Interconnected objects and networks are used in global most important industries so the potential market of Kalima is really big and it grows everyday.
Industry Supply Chain Automotive, aeronautical…
Healthcare Industry Hospital, specialized medicine.
Energy Industry Nuclear, gas, oil, electricity ...
Financial Industry Payment system, payment apps.
Connected Infrastructures Smart city, smart buildings.
Identification System Recognizing systems, identification apps.
Kalima will be used by all these industries using IoT in few years.